For our suppliers

When sending an invoice to BKK, we have some guidelines that need to be followed.

Please to observe the following guidelines when invoicing BKK AS (Norwegian org. number 976 944 801).

  • Invoice to be prepared in the EHF format.
  • If this is not feasible, invoice in PDF format should be sent to (Åpner epostklient)
  • Terms of payment is 30 days net.
  • Invoice reminders must be sent to (Åpner epostklient)
  • No invoice, copy of invoice or payment reminders should be addressed to staff email.

Note that spaces marked "Deres ref.” and “ordrenr.” must be filled in as follows:

  • "Deres ref." (BuyersReference):
    • “Ansattnummer” is a 3, 4 or 5 digit reference to the invoice recipient.
  • "ordrenr." ("cac:orderReference" cbc:ID")

When Purchasing Orders are placed using the IBX system the space “ordrenr” shall mark the PO number.

Any question regarding the above should be directed at (Åpner epostklient)